Monday, February 12, 2007

lcf second session and the hot carls

so tuesday i had the first meeting of the second session of the fencing club..
unfortunately that coincided with a large amount of snowfall, causing problems with attendance, so i only had one person
i went ahead and had the saturday practice that i had planned on and had two people show up, but also had someone call during the week saying they would be there next tuesday and two other people say they couldn't make it until tuesday, so i should have 5, which would work well
i went to bloomington for practice thursday and got to fence a lot of sabre which was really nice, though i might have beaten on the wrists of a couple people pretty viciously, and someone (mary.....................) hit my mask JSUT right and popped off one of the rivets so i had to take it in to work today and put in another one (yay having access to tools)
and now for the highlight of the week!
a couple guys i know from summer camp (jonas i worked with and matt was in my shotgun class) are in a band called 'the hot carls'
anyone in the know would understand why the dj i mentioned them to thought they might want to change the name for marketing purposes
they play folk music (which i happen to be a big fan of) and are actually really good
they put on a really fun show and i'm curious what kind of quality they're going to get out of the cd they're working on
definitely going to have to see them play again


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