Wednesday, December 13, 2006

winter dance works and epee tournament

i've been slowly developing a taste for epee
i always thought sabre was the weapon for me, but i was taught foil first (as is usually the case) and quickly developed a hatred of the spring tips (mostly because my point control sucked), so even though the full body target area of epee appealed to me a little bit (albeit not quite enough to overwhelm how boring it appeared to be) it being a point weapon further sealed my sabre leanings
now that i've been fencing epee with the bloomington fencing club for a couple months, i've decided i do enjoy it quite a bit (much more than foil but still less than sabre)
that being said, i was going up to purdue for the winter dance works, and (how convenient) will was also hosting an epee 'one weapon night', so i fenced, did not come in dead last, and think that i will probably continue to fence epee as my second weapon (when it doesn't interfere with sabre)
the next night was the winter dance works
it was great to see people and it was also a good show, it's surprisingly nice how my appreciation of modern dance, and ability to recognize at least a little of what's going on, has grown
after the show i crashed the roast at windows (above capp and gino's) (i was second tier invited, which really makes me uncomfortable, and it was worse because they had a small space with tightly planned seating etc.) but i got to have a few of their wonderful martinis and chat with some of the dancers and ellie and matty d and found out that there's a possibility i could dance if i come up to live with nick (which is what i was hoping to hear as i really did enjoy dancing, as bad as i was at it, and would like to learn more)
i also chatted with zak (john's soon-to-be ex-roomate) and john and all in all had a wonderful weekend


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