Saturday, December 23, 2006

liam and me

holy-moly guacamole that was loud.........
i have decided conclusively that i am old...
the growing affinity for dark chocolate was a sign, but it was proven at that concert
i've been to a few concerts in concert venues and bars etc. but i have Never experienced one that was even close to as loud as this one
the room was about 40 feet deep, and the volume at the back of the room was over 110 decibels (probably over 130 as that is the threshold of pain and it definitely hurt to be in there, and not entirely because of the bands that played before liam and me, but we'll stick with 110 as a conservative estimate in case you think i'm a wuss) so that means the people who were standing 5 feet from the speakers were experiencing At Least 125 decibels...
why is that a big deal?
well as taken from wikipedia: "In air, sound pressure levels above 85 dB are considered harmful, while 95 dB is considered unsafe for prolonged periods and 120 dB causes an immediate perforation of the ear drum (tympanic membrane)."
so when you see studies about kids with hearing damage from loud music, these are the people they're talking about
but aside from the tympanic damage, and the opportunity to whine about it, the concert was fun and i was glad to support them jsut after they got signed (to thrive records, an indie label of sony) and get a couple shirts :)


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