Monday, January 22, 2007

lexington and network consulting and fencing

i went in to my dad's work thursday to check out their network
it was abysmal... they desperately need a server network to get everything they're trying to do done
so i spent a couple hours talking with a couple of the employees trying to determine exactly what they need and then i talked to basham to see what he thought of everything so i could write up a quote tonight and get it to them tomorrow
pretty darn exciting
but before i went up i stopped by a used car place in town that i saw an 05 pontiac vibe at and gave it a test drive
it seems pretty nice and they had originally told me 12,9 for it but after i drove it they told me i could have it for 11,7 so i'll be thinking about that
i also got a hold of the pastor at the presbyterian church and he said it would be fine for the fencing club to use the fellowship hall, which means that i can now have adults in there too, and i think we're going to switch to saber instead of foil
as for this weekend...
i went to lexington to visit brittany and meet her new dog 'Finn'
we watched some movies and saturday night when to johnny rocco's for dinner (an olive garden-esque italian place) which was pretty good
sunday i got a couple more books to read from her (it's kinda like a library, but she chooses the books :)) and we went to panara and i drove home


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