Wednesday, January 24, 2007

a car!

holy shitballs!
so yesterday i took the vibe to a mechanic to be checked and he said it was fine
and today i did something crazy
i got a loan and bought the car!
so now i'm like a real american... in debt
now in 4 years i will be the proud owner of a 2005 pontiac vibe
it's pretty cool, a maroonish read (not my ideal but whatev), the seats fold down so i can haul a bunch of stuff (one of the big plusses), it has a built in power inverter with an outlet so i can plug things like my laptop in (super fantastic!), decent fuel efficiency, little cubby holes spread around so i can put a few of the random supplies i'll be hauling around out of sight, a roof rack so i can haul around a kayak or whatever on top, and a 1500 lb towing capacity (if i get a towing setup for it) so i could potentially pull a sailboat
all in all it's pretty sweet
so i have hopped forward 12 years in the car i'm driving and i've switched from a sedan to a microvan
exciting stuff, but a little anxiety inducing


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