Monday, December 04, 2006


went to visit nick in dayton for the weekend since i hadn't been out there for awhile
we went to the dublin pub friday night and saw a live band play for awhile, and then on to another bar to look for women
i was talking to one girl for three or four minutes, passing the time, having fun, when her friend came over and physically dragged her off, apparently i wasn't up to her standards :)
the next day we hung out a bit, watched some football, and went out with jesse "australian for love" foster, nick's imaginary friend poppy and her roommate
we drove to hammerjacks to meet up with one of the guys nick works with and some dancing and OMG it was the coolest thing EVER, Pedro from Napolean Dynamite was there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
apparently he's in dayton working on a movie, or a promotion or something, so if you liked that sorry excuse for entertainment then i guess you missed out
other than that nick put in his papers to get out of the air force and is thinking about moving back to lafayette and working for sean on his UAV stuff
it's a really cool deal because the projects should actually be interesting, plus i might be moving back up with him, which would be awesome (in a very hetero, it would be nice being back with friends again sort of way)


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