Wednesday, November 22, 2006

beginner tournament

had the beginner tournament for lawrence county fencing last night
once all four kids showed up i introduced everyone to tournament formats and told the parents about some of the things they should look for
then we did pools, which went fairly well
the first DE was fairly quick and clean, but the second took Forever, they actually used every last second to finish it and were pretty exhausted by the end, so after a break the final bout was julia (my cousin) against gabrielle
julia ended up winning (which was kinda cool) so i announced the places and gave them all certificates (that i think they appreciated) and told them i'd let them know when the next lessons will be
so it's official
i have taken a project from start to finish
pretty amazing
i might do it again
and hopefully i'll be able to offer classes again in the spring, and expand to allow adults too


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