Tuesday, November 07, 2006

purdue fall open

went to purdue for the fall open
hung out with zak (john's roomie) for awhile and chatted and whatnot
fenced foil and sabre on saturday, so i was pretty tired by the end of it
i finished right in the middle for foil (which i've been doing at all the larger tournaments i've done) but hopefully now that i've actually been working on my form i'll start improving a little
i was seeded first in sabre, but then lindon showed up and we convinced him to fence so i was seeded second
there were only 8 people there so i got to face lindon in the pools and actually ended up beating him 5-4 so that was kinda cool, but it also meant that i had a bye the first round (boo, less fencing)
then for the DE i beat my first person (although he was having connectivity issues with his mask) and ended up facing lindon again for the finals, where we pretty much degraded to a kind of goof-off fencing that always seems to happen when we go against each other, it's kinda weird, and as usually happens when we do that, he beat me 15-10
though i did get in a fantastic touch where i leapt up, feinted to the head, and did a chest cut, his eyes about popped out of his head, it was pretty funny, and the director was laughing and said i need to go forward, not up, but that it was graceful, ahhh good times
so then i went back, grabbed a shower and some dinner, alone because ellie had a date and everyone else was busy or gone, but when i got down to moe's for some fat sam action, there she and her date were, waiting in line right in front of me
so we all sat down and she was talking about how whenever she tries to go on a date with john, Everyone always shows up
i was sitting there thinking to myself "oh yeah... if that's the case, where's matty d!?"
about 3 seconds later, i feel a hand on my shoulder, look back, and there he stands...
so after all that i went to lindon's for his party
we broke a door (because SOMEONE didn't plan ahead very well and didn't have a good surface for playing beer pong OR A PING PONG BALL, and we ended up ripping the handle out of a door to use)
so after some (yuck) beer and some screwdriver (hooray flasks of skyy) and some jello shots, i went to Windows (martini bar above capp & ginos) to meet up with ellie and joel and watch joe work his magic
it's actually a pretty neat place, and i'll definitely go back
i had a bloody brain (shot) and a caramel(something), which was good, and a mango(something) martini which was excellent, and then got back to john's room where i chatted with zak for another couple hours before crashing
the next day after hanging out with john and zak i drove down to indy for the first meeting of the 'indy objectivists'
it was interesting...
then i went home and that's about it


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