Tuesday, May 29, 2007


rietzapalooza was this weekend so i drove up to lafayette, grabbed nick, and we went up to MN for the event (comprising of the activites of nick, the rietz's, and i over the weekend)
we stopped at a hotel partway there because we had such a late start and got in to MN saturday afternoon
after we arrived we went golfing (my second time ever), after an AMAZING sports-center-esque putt on the first hole (that left me 2 over par) i continued to average 2 over for all 9 holes (i kept hitting the ball 1ft towards the hole and 4ft behind me when i was on the fairway...)
once we got back they finished up making dinner (egg rolls and fried cheese filled things mmmm fat) and we watched some futurama before bed
sunday we got fishing permits and went around to different docks looking for things to catch, unfortunately it had jsut rained so we didn't end up having any luck (i was the only one to even get bites)
after we got back we went on a tour of the factory where adam works, they make high-end farming sprayers (those tall machines with 4 wheels on stilts that are hydraulically driven and distribute stuff on the fields) and it was neat to see a LEAN factory and how they did things
after another wonderful meal we watched pirates 3
it was really entertaining, but my favorite part was goeffrey rush's laugh (perfect)
monday we drove back after some more hanging out
good times

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

the hot carls and mother's day

mother's day weekend

i had an extra wireless card lying around so i set it up on my mom's laptop for her

friday i drove back up to bloomington (two days in a row... crazy) to see the hot carls play

i was pretty early so i strolled up to the square and ended up at the game preserve where i found j.d. playing Magic:the gathering (i stopped many years ago, but i suppose i would play again if i had a group to play against) then i went to the player's pub and watched the show which was very entertaining again

very satisfying over all

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

pre-dating and muppy's graduation

so i havn't posted in quite a while and am now catching up so not everything will be remembered and the dates will all be listed as if i had written them when i was supposed to

muppy had a graduation party this weekend
i was cooking dinner for my brothers and i so i almost missed the whole thing, but it was nice to see him and chat a bit
i'll probably try to head up to bloomington and go to the bars with him at some point before he gets shipped out with the army