Tuesday, October 24, 2006

fall 2006 x-works

went to purdue for the fall x-works concert and also 'one weapon nights (foil)'
i was seeded 10 of 10 after the pools but beat the 7th seed to pull myself up to 8th so that was cool
after that got over i went to the cactus to tag along with will, big joe, whitey and his g/f, elsie and her b/f, and two of will's friends and then crashed on john's floor
saturday after i got up, read a bit, and talked to john's roomie, i had a fantastic idea which i need to start working on this week *sigh*
then i went to the x-works concert and enjoyed that, scott's piece surprised me and i really liked it, also elizabeth's, kristina's, ed's, moe's, and i was pleasantly surprised by the duet with crotty
afterwards i was informed i was going to an afterparty with a few of the dancers so that was fun, and then back to john's floor
sunday i read some more, at lunch at panara with john, later joined by kent and chantelle, read some more, and headed back
i got back fairly early so i went ahead and rented 'thank you for smoking' because i had been meaning to see it, i really liked it alot, the things that had the potential to piss me off weren't too overt and the rest of it made me want to cheer, so well done
monday i went to my second Bloomington Fencing Club practice (after watching the movie again) and seem to be improving my footwork some but definitely learned a couple things about epee (not that it's hard when you don't know much of anything about it)

Monday, October 16, 2006

iu fall open

went to the iu fall open fencing tournament this weekend
my alarm went off at 9:30 because sabre registration closed at 12:30 and i wanted time to get up there and eat breakfast and the like
but i don't always get up right away (read: never get up right away) and most alarm clocks have this RIDICULOUS "FEATURE" THAT I HATE that makes them turn off if they go off for an hour EVEN IF YOU HIT THE SNOOZE BUTTON so come 11:30 i actually wake up, look at the clock, and panic
after grabbing the (thankfully mostly) prepacked stuff, tossing it in the car, getting quick directions for possible places to park from my brother, getting up there, parking, running (with all my fencing stuff) to the HPER building, i registered with 3 minutes to spare
i fenced sabre and tied for 3rd of 15 which means i renewed my "E" so i was pretty happy with that
then there was a break before foil (which i'm fencing to get practice seeing as i'm teaching a class in it), the foil pools, and a looooooooooooooooong break while they fought with getting the DE chart sorted out
i was seeded 14th of 29ish so i was pretty surprised and happy about that (must have been lots of beginners there) and was able to defeat the 19th seed in my first DE (barely) so overall i was pretty happy with the tournament
afterwards i hung out with misty and her roomie for a bit and got my hair put in a 'fishbone' (they said i should do that all the time, i'm FAR too lazy)
then i went home, slept, spent sunday lounging around, slept again, and i'm still a little sore from all that fencing...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


went to lexington to hang out with brittany over the weekend
went tailgating with the law students (apparently i don't express when i'm having a good time, or am at least content, very well)
discovered that a jimmy john's hunter's club (#10) with onions and sprouts is my favorite sandwich there...
at work i started drawing on a smaller lining trailer (with several issues) and i read 'brightness reef' and played 'fable' instead of working on company projects

Thursday, October 05, 2006

ernie-mcnerney wedding

they got hitched
it's pretty crazy
mara and i rode up with reitz and his wife katie
we got there just after the best man had gone down the aisle so a little late
during the wedding i almost snorted with laughter when the pastor was talking to them, pulled out some scissors, talked about how the pieces by themselves weren't very useful, but when you combine them through this "fulcrum of love" they are wonderful
after that we went to the reception hall and i got to talk to dave selke and malooley and faust and foster again so that was fun
faust was determined to be "that guy" of the reception, and by the time the wedding party arrived he and the bartender had an understanding
the reception was good, we ate and danced and chatted and afterwards went to dan's (the best man) house to hang out in the basement
was very content to lounge back in that chair feeling exhausted, drinking my mountain dewish drink, enjoying the party until everyone crashed on the couches/chairs/floor
next morning it was back to dayton with nick and mara and then back home
overall a great week
lots of resting
but now i'm back at work and i still havn't unpacked
uhg, too much to do and i have yet to begin